Joining a Navigation Training Weekend

A 2-day hike in the Wollangambe Wilderness to Learn Map and Compass Skills


Led by Ashley Burke

Navigation Page



About the Navigation Weekend

Aims and Objectives

What To Bring

Past Trip Reports and Photos

Level of Difficulty

Cost and How to Apply

Upcoming Trips



About the Navigation Weekend

The navigation weekend is a 2-day self-supported bushwalk that starts and ends at the tiny village of Bell, east of Lithgow and north of Mt Victoria in the upper Blue Mountains. The trip normally starts on a Saturday morning and ends on a Sunday afternoon. On this bushwalk you will learn how to read a topographic map and how to use a compass, and you will put these techniques into practise in a real off-track wilderness environment to navigate by following natural landscape features and correlating these with the map. You will use these skills to locate our Saturday night campsite, a huge rock overhang set amongst a labyrinth of small and delicate sandstone formations. Whilst the primary objective of the weekend is educational, it is also a great opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and experience a wild and undeveloped environment, a beautiful sandstone landscape, and to enjoy an evening and night of camping away from it all.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of the weekend are:



What To Bring

Being a self-supported bushwalk, idea is that everyone brings their own gear and food for the weekend. Click the button below to review the gear list for this trip.

If you don’t have some of the items on this list, there are some items that can be borrowed or rented, or alternatively some items such as tents and cooking equipment can be shared. For some items such as tents and compasses, there is a small fee for borrowing that item.

Past Trip Reports and Photos

To give you a better idea of what the trip involves, you can read trip reports of past trips and also view some photos of past navigation weekends in the same area. Here are links to the trip reports and photos from previous navigation weekends:

2006 navigation weekend trip report

2007 navigation weekend trip report

2008 navigation weekend trip report

2009 navigation weekend trip report

2010 navigation weekend trip report

2011 navigation weekend trip report and photos

2012 navigation weekend trip report

2013 navigation weekend trip report and photos

2014 navigation weekend trip report

2015 navigation weekend trip report

2016 navigation weekend trip report

2017 navigation weekend trip report and photos

2018 SUBW navigation weekend trip report and photos

25-26 August 2018 navigation weekend photos

20-21 October 2018 navigation weekend photos

2-3 March 2019 navigation weekend photos

16-17 March 2019 navigation weekend photos

6-7 April 2019 navigation weekend photos

4-5 May 2019 navigation weekend photos

29-30 June 2019 navigation weekend photos

28-29 September 2019 navigation weekend photos

19-20 October 2019 navigation weekend photos


Sample photos of what we do on most navigation weekends are here.


Level of Difficulty

This trip is open to beginners with no previous bushwalking or navigation experience. However a minimum fitness level is required. Because we will be camping overnight, you need to be able to walk with a backpack containing your camping gear, food, some water and weighing around 12kg. To help you learn navigation skills, you will at times be walking through bush where there is no track. There are areas of scrub and a few steep hills. In some places the scrub is thick and difficult to walk through. There are 2 river crossings which involve steep descents into and out of a river gorge. The vegetation around the rivers is dense. There is the occasional rock scramble. However this steep and difficult terrain is the exception not the rule. The difference between the highest elevation and lowest elevation on the walk is about 200m. Most of the country is open bushland that can be walked normally. There is steady climbing and descending. The ground is uneven and bushy most of the time. It is not a walk along a track, it is walking through the bush – literally! We will be stopping frequently to gain map reading and compass skills so there will be plenty of time to rest on the way. I estimate that we may be walking 4-6 hours per day with our packs. The trip should be no problem for anyone that does regular exercise. It is graded a moderate overnight walk.

I should warn that some people who have not had much previous experience have in the past reported that they found this walk difficult. I think that provided you do regular exercise you should be fine. By exercise I mean something that causes you to sweat and become out of breath. By regular I mean a couple of times per week.

Cost and How To Apply

The size of the group will be capped at 10 clients, and the trip will not proceed unless a minimum number of 5 clients sign up.


To which you may optionally add:

Wollangambe topographic map - printed on durable laminated paper. $25
Compass At cost, depends on model ordered

If you'd like to come on this trip, please complete an Application Form:

When I receive your application, I will review it and then contact you. I will send you bank account details, you can make a deposit, and then your place on the trip is confirmed. You will then receive a full information pack containing everything you need to know to prepare for and attend the weekend.

Upcoming Trips

Please note that the area where the navigation weekend takes place was severely burnt in the major bushfire season on 2019-2020. The area has reopened and is in the process of recovering from fire.

Navigation training weekends are currently scheduled for:

16-17 Mar 2019 COMPLETED! (Despite the rain!) See the photos
6-7 Apr 2019 COMPLETED! See the photos
4-5 May 2019 COMPLETED! See the photos
29-30 Jun 2019 COMPLETED! See the photos
19-20 Oct 2019 COMPLETED! See the photos
30 Nov - 1 Dec 2019 COMPLETED (shortened route due to smoke and bushfires). See the photos.
20-21 Jun 2020 COMPLETED! The first post-COVID nav weekend! See the photos.
5-6 Sep 2020 COMPLETED! See the photos.
19-20 Sep 2020 COMPLETED! See the photos.
17-18 Oct 2020 COMPLETED! See the photos.
14-15 Nov 2020 COMPLETED! See the photos.
21-22 Nov 2020 COMPLETED! See the photos.
6-7 Mar 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
27-28 Mar 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
10-11 Apr 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
17-18 Apr 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
1-2 May 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
12-13 Jun 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
23-24 Oct 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
30-31 Oct 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
6-7 Nov 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
27-28 Nov 2021 COMPLETED! See the photos.
26-27 Feb 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
5-6 March 2022 CANCELLED! Due to floods.
12-13 March 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
2-3 April 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
23-24 April 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
30 April - 1 May 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
7-8 May 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
28-29 May 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
27-28 August 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
17-18 September 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
29-30 October 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
5-6 November 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
12-13 November 2022 COMPLETED! See the photos.
4-5 March 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
25-26 March 2023 COMPLATED! See the photos.
1-2 April 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
29-30 April 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
20-21 May 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
27-28 May 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
7-8 October 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
21-22 October 2023 COMPLETED! See the photos.
2-3 March 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
23-24 March 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
13-14 April 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
17-18 August 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
24-25 August 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
7-8 September 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
14-15 September 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
19-20 October 2024 COMPLETED! See the photos.
22-23 March 2025 FULLY BOOKED! Waitlist only.
5-6 April 2025 FULLY BOOKED! Waitlist only.
3-4 May 2025 PLACES AVAILABLE. Apply now! (This date may be changed if the Federal election is called for this weekend))
6-7 Sep 2025 PLACES AVAILABLE. Apply now!
27-28 Sep 2025 PLACES AVAILABLE. Apply now!



One of the rewards of running these navigation weekends is the opportunity to meet new people and by sharing some of the skills of navigation, to help those people feel more confident in a environment untamed by human infrastructure.Below I share some of the feedback that they have kindly provided and agreed to have published on this website.

"I was so pleased that I decided to come along. I found it extremely useful and it will certainly give me some skills that I can practice and develop on my own. Ashley had a beautiful teaching style; he was patient, attentive and above all, not condescending, no matter the amount of compass bumbling I was doing. The walk was challenging, I had never walked off-track before, walking through the scrub is certainly more demanding than on-trail walking. Having said that, it was well within my physical capabilities, even though I had been unwell leading up to it and still wasn't totally on top of my game for the navigation weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed the landscape that we moved through, the scenery was spectacular. I think that the addition of a little laminated 'cheat sheet' card with basic directions for each compass skill would be useful, sort of like writing out a mathematical procedure. This is something my workplace does for new equipment, calculations or procedures and I find them a useful tool to refer to the card until I move toward complete confidence with new knowledge and can do the task without even really needing to think about the 'how to' of my actions. The campsite was fabulous, utterly beautiful. A very special night away. The value for money was wonderful. I browsed a lot of courses before deciding to book with Ashley. Most were simply outrageously priced and seemed very impersonal. It was obvious from looking at Ashley's website that he had a genuine love of what he does and a desire to share his knowledge with others. Having the free online learning package was extremely useful, a very generous offering from Ashley. Making that course available at no cost to all speaks volumes about the sort of person he is and the effort he puts in to ensuring a positive trip for all."

- Jules 5-6 May 2018

"I have just completed Ashleys weekend Navigation Hike, and it was a 5 star experience! Everything from Ashleys pre trip information, to his patient, calm, clear explanations of map reading and taking compass bearings, aswell as his good natured and supportive leading of the trip, was done without fault. If you are interested in gaining skills in understanding better how to navigate using topographic maps and compass, plus see some stunning country along the way, I would HIGHLY recommend his course."

- Tony Maynard 5-6 May 2018.

"This is an excellent course for bushwalkers who want to learn about proper compass use and improve map-reading skills. It will also help you to get more comfortable with going off-track, and camping out in the wilderness. Ashley's teaching skills are fantastic: clear, patient, giving hands-on practice, with back-up written resources."

- Ruth 10-11 Mar 2018

"Ashley is an easy and natural leader very patient with even the dumbest questions. He took us to the most amazing campsite that I would never have found. Can't wait for the next one."

- Jennifer 10-11 Mar 2018

"Ashley's navigation skills bush walking weekend is well worth it. You can learn the necessary skills to navigate and learn to understand the terrain on maps to choose the best course - all in one weekend. The bonus is you get to do it in the Wollongambe Wilderness. It is pristine and the overnight campsite and some of the sights are outstanding."

- Bluebone 10-11 Mar 2018

"The weekend was really well organised and the teaching materials well thought out and clear. "

- Polly, 10-11 Mar 2018

"The navigation weekend was like dipping my toes in the water - an invitation to dive in! I have a strong desire to get out into the quiet of nature and remove myself from the noise of modern life. I’m far from competent to venture out on my own, but this navigation training weekend has provided me the environment to gain basic skills to start my journey. Ashley brings himself to these weekends; he leads from a strong platform of experience and a genuine desire to teach others how to learn the language of the land and to interpret a map. The weekends are well organised, down to earth and educational. If you are genuinely interested in learning how to navigate your way around the bush, I would highly recommend these skill building weekend."

- Sue, 10-11 Mar 2018

"The weekend was well prepared, the lead up information was exceptional. Whilst this was educational, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and walking in the remote areas. Great weekend with a great leader. Would highly recommend."

- Jason, 10-11 Mar 2018

"Ashley is a competent and thoughtful leader and teacher, although I'm not confident enough to head out on my own I did learn a quite a bit from the trip that was set in a beautiful part of the Blue Mountains."

- Gerard, 25-26 Aug 2018

"A great experience and some beautiful country. I learned so much and have some really practical and useful navigation skills. Thanks Ashley for organising and running the trip, it was thoroughly enjoyable."

- Mark, 5-6 May 2018

"It was a fantastic learning experience, and I would like to do something like it again. I know that I found some of the rock climbing difficult, but with Ashley's, it was definitely doable. The only way to build skills is to practise them. Ashley is without a doubt a 'natural born' teacher. He gave everyone the opportunity to lead, and the confidence to succeed. Thanks for an absolutely wonderful weekend."

- Sharon, 20-21 Oct 2018

"Ashley is a wealth of knowledge and a natural communicator and teacher. After the weekend course I felt like an eye mask was removed and I could see a whole new world of hiking possibilities. I can't recommend the course highly enough. The immense learning aside, it was a pleasure to spend a weekend in such a beautiful part of the world with like minded people."

- Marcus Peterson, 20-21 Oct 2018

"I enjoyed the navigation training weekend immensely. A big thanks to Ashley for sharing his passion and expertise in the great outdoors and his intimate knowledge of the Wollangambe. His patience, calmness and informative tutorials were confidence building. Now I have a greater appreciation and understanding of topographical maps and some practical skills in using them along with the compass. It was also a great team building exercise. Inspired to get out and keep practicing!"

- Jude, 20-21 Oct 2018

"Great trip - I learned lots and had a great time. I felt confident throughout that Ashley knew what he was doing, and I could relax and trust to his skill, knowledge and care for the group. Rugged, beautiful country."

- Rosemary, 20-21 Oct 2018

"I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend navigational course in the Blue Mountains with Ashley. He is a gifted teacher showing patience and with great skills he is eager to pass on. He is obviously very experienced in the area and I always confident about where we were and where we were headed. His organisation was excellent (the wine. cheese and fruit platter was quite the surprise, I don't know how he carried it all) and he kept us up to date with plans and requirements for the trip. I did find the terrain more challenging than I expected at a couple of points and I think a good level of fitness and some restraint in packing are key to enjoying the weekend. I wholeheartedly recommend Ashley and the navigation weekend to anyone looking to gain off-track navigation skills or even just feel more confident when undertaking bush activities."

- Mitchell, 2-3 Mar 2019

"Thank you so much Ashley for an amazing weekend, for your patience, for all the knowledge shared, for the photos, the hot cuppas and for leaving us all better equipped to plan for adverse conditions and navigate. I loved that it rained, and our campsite, and the landscape, and I could go on and on! 

Both the hike and the group exceeded all my expectations and wlll definitely be recommending this to all my friends ��

Hope I get to see everyone again out in the bush soon!"

- Salma, 16-17 Mar 2019

"After just completing this navigational weekend I can highly recommend it! Ashley is patient, knowledgeable and organised. The landscape was beautiful. I cant wait to get out and start practicing everything Ashley taught me!�� �� ��"

- Tracey, 4-5 May 2019

"It was amazing, I learnt so much and everyone I met was very nice and pleasant to be around. The environment was perfect for what we were learning and the hike was challenging but in the way all hikes should be. It was fun and educational and very well planned :)"

- Lily (age 15), 4-5 May 2019

"This was my second time coming along on one of MountainSphere Adventure's Navigation weekends. I learned so much the first weekend and thoroughly enjoyed myself, I thought that navigation is a continuous process of learning so decided to come along again on another navigation weekend to practice what I learned last time, under Ashley's expert eye. I am so glad I chose to do the course for a second time, as I found that I had stored some knowledge and could more seamlessly perform the exercises we were doing and was looking forward to my turn to lead. I found being able to confidently navigate off-track during the weekend so utterly exciting- it was great fun and I couldn't stop smiling! I am thankful for Ashley's guidance and leadership, he is such a knowledgeable individual yet has such a humble, approachable way about him , making the educational interaction relaxed and friendly. The walking was on interesting terrain and the scenery utterly beautiful. The rock scrambling and river crossings were very enjoyable, I felt like a kid let loose on a jungle gym, it was such a lot of fun. I will definitely go on another trip with MountainSphere Adventures and highly recommend Ashley to anyone seeking to learn or improve their navigation skills."

- Jules, returning for her second navigation weekend, 29-30 June 2019

"Ashley is an incredible person with amazing navigation and teaching skills. You will learn the real navigation (use of map, compass) in any type of environment - trail, fire trail, bush bushing while having lots of fun in great group surrounded by breathtaking nature. I definitely recommend to do the navigation course if you really want to learn the skills."

- Lenka, 29-30 June 2019

"This was my very first overnight hike & first introduction to navigation. The weekend was absolutely fantastic. Ashley is very considerate & provides guidance & support to everyone. Ashley has the patience of a saint! The hike was a little challenging but I absolutely loved it & felt really fulfilled. I would definitely sign-up for another adventure with Ashley."

- Nicole, 28-29 Sep 2019

"What a great weekend learning news skills and seeing amazing places with a terrific bunch of people! Ashley was fantastic, teaching and sharing his knowledge and experience in such a passionate way, always patient and happy to go over things again to ensure you understood any particular lesson. The best training course ever!"

- Trevor, 19-20 Oct 2019

"Ashley is a generous and patient instructor. Conditions were not ideal but well managed and much learning achieved. Some nice bonuses like wine and cheese. Thank you and keen to get some more practice in future."

- Kim, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2019 (Smoke haze and bushfires to the north affected this weekend's trip).

"Ashley is an excellent and patient teacher who really knows his stuff. Will be back."

- Kasey, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2019 (Smoke haze and bushfires to the north affected this weekend's trip).

"I came to this weekend with zero knowledge on navigation. Ashley was a fantastic teacher, made everything easy to understand and he is very patient. The track was beautiful with a fabulous camp spot in the evening. Ashley even treated us to a glass of wine, cheese and crackers. The whole group had a great time, I highly recommend this course."

- Yvonne, 19-20 Oct 2019

"I recently did a weekend orientation course with Ashley. He is such a patient and encouraging guy with so much knowledge and experience. I found this weekend increased my confidence both in my abilities to find my way around a map, and in my level of fitness. I highly recommend Ashley's teaching his hands on approach through practical experience worked really well for me. This is truly a fantastic introduction/ refresher in orienteering. I look forward to the next adventure ��"

- Kathryn, 19-20 Oct 2019

"I thoroughly enjoyed my overnight navigation adventure. Ashley is such a knowledgeable and skilled guide who was so generous in sharing all we needed to get started in navigation. We had a great group and had loads of fun This is really beautiful country that I was so grateful to experience on a mild winter weekend with all the verdant new growth coming through from the devastating fires. So much to see and enjoy. I very highly recommend Ashley's courses and am looking forward to doing the advanced course at the next opportunity."

- Eve, 20-21 Jun 2020

"Very good instruction and a nice location to explore. Ashley is incredibly knowledgeable and shares a lot of great insights during the trip."

- Keith, 20-21 Jun 2020

"I highly recommend Ashley's two day navigation training course - the skills we developed in compass use, reading contours and terrain, and understanding map features along other tips and tricks are empowering for any bush walker. I now feel more confidant in the bush, more self reliant, and safer! Ashley is a very thorough and patient teacher, while also being friendly and approachable. Do this trip!"

- Claire, 20-21 Jun 2020

"I have just completed the 3 day navigation course with Ashley. The weekend was a perfect combination of challenging weather (winds, sleet and snow!), stunning landscapes, focussed navigation practice and great company. I feel more confident finding those tricky saddles and understanding how the contours on the map relate to the landscapes. Ashleys enthusiasm and patience were endless and I highly recommend his courses."

- Justine, 3 day nav trip, 21-23 Aug 2020

"The 3-day navigation hike was my second expedition with Ashley. As before, I felt confident relying on his knowledge, care and experience to keep the group safe in the bush while we practiced our navigation skills, and walked and camped in country that was fire-scarred but still breathtakingly beautiful. The weekend was both challenging and tremendous fun, enhanced by great company (and some quite exciting weather). I learned lots, and will be seeking opportunities to practise my new skills. I strongly recommend Ashley as a guide, teacher and companion, and hope to join him on many future walks."

- Rosemary, 3 day nav trip, 21-23 Aug 2020

"Thanks Ashley for an excellent and very enjoyable 2 days. Fun, great company, beautiful setting and extremely practical knowledge."

- Richard, 5-6 Sep 2020

"Thanks Ashley for a wonderful course, well planned and executed. You are a good teacher with attention to details and very patient with us rookies trying to learn and asking tons of questions. Will definitely recommend you to others who is consider taking on this course."

- David, 5-6 Sep 2020

"I learnt so much during my weekend nav course with Ash from Mountainsphere. He is very knowledgeable and such a great guide, teaching us how to read a topographic map and use a compass. I like that there was a theory component but also opportunities to apply what we learnt practically too, where Ash let us lead parts of the walk and also plan the route to our campground and back out to our starting point. I'm definitely going to put what I learnt to practice! Thanks again for such a great time!!"

- Elaine, 17-18 Oct 2020

"Highly recommend Ashley’s navigation course. Had so much fun and learnt a lot. Will be back for another weekend."

- Erin, 17-18 Oct 2020

"Ashley went above and beyond as a guide, making sure that everyone in the group got a solid grip on navigation techniques He has an amazing knowledge of the local area and made sure that we got to see a lot of the wonderful landscape. The actual trip was over quite challenging terrain but it was very rewarding also!"

- Dee, 17-18 Oct 2020

"Thankyou for enabling such a wonderful weekend, it was perfect! I learnt an enormous amount and have been busily writing as much as possible down so that I don’t forget. Thankyou for your calm, relaxed patience when I had to ask you pretty much the same question over and over! Most importantly thankyou for taking us into an area I would never had known about, it was beautiful. I loved the hike, challenging both physically and mentally-my recipe for feeling a million dollars when you reach your destination no matter what condition!"

- Linda, 27-28 Mar 2021

"Thoroughly enjoyed Moutntain Sphere Navigation weekend. Ashley is an incredibly patient teacher. Our group hiked through the bush with our backpacks, compasses and maps gradually becoming more confident picking out the best route. Camping overnight in a beautiful cave, meadows of rare pink flannel flowers, a unique crater lake and multiple panoramic views all added to the experience. Thanks so much Ashley!"

- Sinead, 27-28 Mar 2021

"Fabulous weekend with Ashley who has the patience of a saint. I learnt the basics of map navigation with a great group in a fabulous setting. Ashley even brought cheese and biscuits! thanks Ashley."

- Maggie, 1-2 May 2021

"Thank you Ashley for a fantastic weekend Orienteering. It was a blast!"

- Julie, 1-2 May 2021

"Just did the 2 day navigation weekend with Ashley - learned so much! It a super practical, hands-on course where you get to navigate your way to your campsite and back again. Would highly recommend!"

- Kalina, 1-2 May 2021

"Ashley is a patient teacher and created a fun weekend. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn how to navigate."

- Fee, 30-31 Oct 2021

"Ashley's calm and patient manner, combined with a cheeky sense of humour gave us the skills to confidently navigate off trail. He was generous with his knowledge & equipment, and made sure that everyone in the group had a worthwhile and enjoyable experience, no matter what their individual situation. I would thoroughly recommend the 2-day navigation course."

- Kathryn, 30-31 Oct 2021

"Ashley's 2 day navigation course is hands on, practical and lots of fun. He explains everything so clearly and patiently and encourages lots of questions. I learnt so much just from 2 days in the bush with Ashley and have already signed up to the 3-day navigation weekend. Plus he makes sure you enjoy the trip with plenty of breaks and time at camp to get to know everyone on the course and make new friends. Highly recommend!"

- Katherine, 23-24 Oct 2021

"Excellent opportunity to learn a range of navigational skills in a relaxed & fun environment. Ashley was extremely knowledgeable & holds a genuine passion for the environment in which the training takes place."

- Steve, 27-28 Nov 2021

"Thanks again for a great weekend. The practical application of the navigation skills covered in your online material and the briefing session on Saturday, was an excellent learning experience. The real life opportunity to view the terrain and compare that with the map and your advice to always observe the terrain around you, has given me a lot more confidence to navigate off the main track. Topped off by a great group of people and some awesome scenery."

- Ken, 2-3 Apr 2022

"Thanks Ashley, great weekend learning new skills in a technically challenging and stunning part of the world!"

- Suze 23-24 Apr 2022

"Awesome weekend! Thx so much for sharing your amazing knowledge, company, patience & wine! We all had a super time!"

- Jacq 23-24 Apr 2022

"Fantastic weekend of learning with a great hiking crew, and no rain! Thanks Ashley"

- Anne-Maree 23-24 Apr 2022

"Loved it so much I came back again. The extra practice reinforced what I learnt the first time and has given me the confidence to consider trying the 3-day course which I know will further develop my nav skills. Highly recommend you learn from Ashley, mountaineer and bushman extraordinaire, with the knowledge and patience to teach you the vital skills needed to read maps, the surrounding landscape and how to properly use a compass to safely lead you where you want to go."

- Katrina 30 Apr - 1 May 2022

"It was a fantastic weekend experience - the wonderful walk and scenery is unforgettable, and the navigation skills I now have acquired from Ashley in such a short time frame, has given me the confidence to use a compass, read a map and understand features of the surrounding bush. A big thanks Ashley!"

- Tania 30 Apr - 1 May 2022

"Had such a great weekend. Ashley is a great leader and teacher, making learning fun and easy. He is a wealth of knowledge and skill so I felt very comfortable going off trail in the wilderness. Plus he is just a good fella so good company while camping ☺️"

- Leonie 27-28 Aug 2022

"Thank you Ashley for a very well organised, well planned out weekend ! I learnt so much and got so much out of what you presented to us, both on paper and on site in the midst of the terrain in the wilderness! And we always felt safe in your capable hands. Thanks so much ! Elaine from the Terrain of Thought ��!"

- Elaine 12-13 Nov 2022

"Incredible weekend Ashley with almost everything nature could throw at us. Your knowledge is amazing and your methods of imparting it excellent. Who knew you should generally follow the spurs ��. I feel much more confident interpreting rather than just 'reading' a map, just got to keep reminding myself 'red on red' ��. Thanks for a challenging and informative weekend. Thoroughly recommended for those who want to step up to the next level Bronwyn 'Terrain of Thought'"

- Bronwyn 12-13 Nov 2022

"Thank you for an amazing experience Ashley. It far exceeded our expectations. You are a great guide and teacher."

- Dani 12-13 Nov 2022

"Thank you so much for such a fantastic informative weekend. Your teaching style and presentation was perfect to practicly understand navigation."

- Roslyn 4-5 Mar 2023

"What an awesome weekend, thank you so much for imparting with your knowledge, I fell like Ive gained more than I expected."

- Luis 4-5 Mar 2023

"Awesome course! Ashley is a great instructor and I learnt a lot! I Recommend this course and worth the money! Now I need to put it into practice ����"

- Robert 25-26 Mar 2023

"Excellent communication throughout the whole process. I came away learning more about navigating than I had anticipated. Thank you Ashley for your patience and knowledge. I highly recommend this course to anyone wishing to gain confidence with hiking and navigating the terrain."

- Bel 29-30 Apr 2023

"Had a great weekend doing Ashley's navigation course, I learnt a lot, I did the course having some understanding of navigation, but now im a lot more confident in back country exploration. 5 stars"

- Stef 20-21 May 2023

"Ashley is an amazing teacher and a truly gentle person. He thinks deeply about the wilderness, our impact on it, and what a privilege it is to be in it. Thank you so much for another incredible adventure. I can't wait for the next one."

- Rachel 13-15 Oct 2023

"Couldn't recommend this course more Ashley our teacher was very knowledgeable @mountainsphereadventures. Took us on a 2 day course out at Wollangambe, NSW, Australia so much fun."

- Dominic 7-8 Oct 2023

"Awesome weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great teaching and I learned a lot. Ashley and everyone were great company and the scenery was fantastic. I thoroughly recommend both the 2 day navigation weekend and the 3 day where Ashley expertly guides you to consolidate what you learnt on the 2 day course."

- Lenny 13-15 Oct 2023

"It was an awesome weekend Ashley!!! Definitely learned a lot and will put to use on my adventures. For sure will come back to do the 3 day nav course. Was an awesome group!!! Thank you so much. Shared my weekend with a Hike group on FB and you should get some queries about your course!!! Definitely worth every penny!"

- Nez 21-22 Oct 2023

"What a fabulous weekend of learning in a spectacular wilderness environment! Upskilling in navigation felt so empowering - I can't wait to put my new learnings into practice. I just wish I'd done this course years ago! Highly recommend!"

- Jo 2-3 Mar 2024

"Ashley is a great guide and instructor. He has a great sense of humour and tons of practice. Very experienced and a wealth of hiking and camping knowledge. He makes you feel at ease the moment you meet him. For cheese and bikkie lovers, he will also bring you a treat. Wine is complementary as well. I would highly recommend a navigation or touring weekend with Ashley. I have been on several Meet Up overnight hiking trips but to date Ashley has been one guide who provided the best overall experience."

- Aneesha 23-24 Mar 2024

"Such a fantastic 2 day navigation weekend. Ashley was so friendly and his knowledge was unbelievable. He teaches in a way that was very easy to understand and we put everything we learnt into practice. And to be able to be in such a beautiful part of the Blue Mountains. Loved every single minute of it. Highly recommend ��"

- Amanda 17-18 Aug 2024



Web page created 10 Feb 2018, last updated 02 February 2025.

All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2018. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Navigation Page