The Californian High Sierra, July - August 2008

Trip 3 - Evolution / Palisades Region


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2008. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Sierra 2008 Page



13 Aug - 21 Aug 2008

Here are some photos from the third of three Sierra treks. For more information see my Sierra Nevada page.

Trip 3 Route

Day 1 13 Aug 2008 Start from North Lake trailhead, climb over Lamarck Col, Camp on Darwin Bench.
Day 2 14 Aug 2008 Descend to the JMT, follow it south past Evolution Lakes to Wanda Lake, climb peak 12976, camp at Wanda Lake.
Day 3 15 Aug 2008 Cross Wanda pass into Ionian Basin, cross 2 passes to reach JMT at Helen Lake, camp by lake at top of Le Conte Canyon.
Day 4 16 Aug 2008 Long day following JMT southwards, then up Cataract Creek to Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 5

17 Aug 2008

Climb Observation Peak, walk past Dumbell Lakes then over pass into Lake Basin. Canp in upper Lake Basin.
Day 6 18 Aug 2008 Cross a pass into Upper Basin, climb Split Mountain, camp at Lake 11598.
Day 7 19 Aug 2008 Cross Mather Pass, theh Glacier Pass, then Potluck Pass. Camp north of Potluck Pass.
Day 8 20 Aug 2008 Climb Mt Sill, Camp at Barrett Lakes.
Day 9 21 Aug 2008 Cross Knapsack Pass into Dusy Basin, thence Bishop Pass. Descend to South Lake then hitch to Bishop.


Trip 3 Maps


Map Series Maps used
Tom Harrison 1:63 360 topo map series

Mono Divide High Country Trail Map, Kings Canyon High Country Trail Map.

Note: The Mono Divide High Country map was only needed on Day 1 and 9.

USGS 1:24 000 topographic map series

Mt Darwin, Mt Goddard, Split Mtn, North Palisade.

Note: These four sheets covered most but not quite all of the route. Marion Peak and Mt Pinchot would cover the remainder.


Trip 3 Photos

Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 1: Darwin Bench
Day 2: View from Peak 12976 above Wanda Pass.
Day 2: Our campsite at Wanda Lake.
Day 2: Evening views, Wanda Lake.
Day 2: Evening views, Wanda Lake.
Day 3: Mountain Yellow-legged frog, on JMT East of Muir Pass.
Day 3: Wildflowers (swamp onion?) by stream.
Day 4: Stormy evening lighting, Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 4: Stormy evening lighting, Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 4: Stormy evening lighting, Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 4: Stormy evening lighting, Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 4: Evening views, Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 5: Amphitheatre Lake.
Day 5: Views from Observation Peak.
Day 5: Raining in tarn, Lake Basin.
Day 5: Raining in tarn, Lake Basin.
Day 5: Afternoon storm clouds, Lake Basin.
Day 5: Evening views, upper Lake Basin.
Day 5: Evening views, upper Lake Basin.
Day 5: Evening views, upper Lake Basin.
Day 5: Evening views, upper Lake Basin.
Day 5: Evening views, upper Lake Basin.
Day 6: Ptarmigan and chick.
Day 6: View from Split Mountain.
Day 6: Evening views from below Split Mountain.
Day 6: Evening views from below Split Mountain.
Day 6: Evening views from below Split Mountain.
Day 7: The moon from near Mather Pass.
Day 7: Kendy on Potluck Pass.
Day 7: Cut-leaved daisy (Erigeron compositus).
Day 7: Evening views from campsite north of Potluck Pass.
Day 7: Evening views from campsite north of Potluck Pass.
Day 8: View from summit of Mt Sill.
Day 8: Ashley on summit of Mt Sill.
Day 8: Mountain Yellow-legged frog, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.
Day 8: Evening views, Barrett Lakes.




Web page created 22 Sep 2008, last updated 22 Sep 2008.

All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2008. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Sierra 2008 Page