KAZAKHSTAN - The Marble Wall and Khan Tengri Traverse

21 Aug 2011 - Flight back to Karkara Base Camp


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.


Back at Karkara Base camp we celebrate our survival with a feast and round after round of vodka in the main dining hall

This morning we dismantled the last remaining tents at base camp once more and waited on the glacier hopeful of a helicopter ride back to Karkara. At 9:15am the helicopter arrived and took us back to Karkara Base Camp. The flight down the North Inylchek glacier was truly stunning with views of dozens of side glaciers pouring in. I didn't take a single photo of during the flight, I was so totally transfixed by the amazing scenery. After arrival at Karkara I enjoyed another sauna. This was followed by a huge long celebration lunch and shot after shot of vodka. Every round of vodka was accompanied by speeches and with Kazbek as translator I was able to exchange meaningful compliments with Danat and Edik at last. During the afternoon I slept off the vodka. When I woke up Edik had already gone. There was dinner and still more vodka. We had earned it.

In the morning of the 21st of August and to our great relief the helicopter came. It was the last flight of the season and once we departed, all that remained of Khan Tengri base camp was the sauna which had been converted into a storeroom, some tent platforms, and some discarded gas canisters.

During our festive celebrations in the dining hall at Karkara Base Camp Danat takes to the guitar again.

And so ended the adventure of a lifetime.



All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Page created 16 Nov 2011, last updated 7 Dec 2011.