KAZAKHSTAN - The Marble Wall and Khan Tengri Traverse

20 Aug 2011 - Rest day at Khan Tengri Base Camp


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.


Time to relax at last. Danat takes up the guitar and sings all his cares away

Today was a well deserved day of rest at Khan Tengri base camp. The base camp was now almost deserted, just a couple of tents remaining and there would be only one more helicopter flight out this season. The helicopter was due at about 5pm. This left the entire day for rest and I enjoyed a hearty lunch of soup and chicken. The sauna was still operational, so I took the opportunity to have a much needed wash. Danat showed that he is an accomplished musician and he spent hours singing heartily in the sunshine. The the helicopter that was expected at 5pm didn't come and so we hastily resurrected one tent for one last night in the mountains.


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Page created 16 Nov 2011, last updated 7 Dec 2011.