KAZAKHSTAN - The Marble Wall and Khan Tengri Traverse

05 Aug 2011 - Advance to Camp at 5160m


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.


Highlighted area shows today's climbing

Alarms went at 5am and we set off from Camp 1 at around 6:45am. We packed up and advanced the expedition to the spot where we'd deposited some gear the day before. After setting up the tent in this exposed place and we then portaged some equipment further up the slope to an altitude of 5450m. Then in worsening weather we returned to our tent at 5160m. A very uncomfortable night was spent in high wind in this very exposed position. It was very cold and the tent was getting hammered. The food that evening did not agree with me, making the situation even less comfortable.

Retracing our steps of the day before, now carrying full packs with all our remaining equipment.

This is Camp 2 at 5160m, where we spent the night of 5 August. It was a very exposed place and the wind battered the tent throughout the night.

In the afternoon we carried a load of gear further up the ridge. We deposited the gear below the rock bluffs ahead.



All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Page created 29 Nov 2011, last updated 5 Dec 2011.