KAZAKHSTAN - The Marble Wall and Khan Tengri Traverse

03 Aug 2011 - Advance to 4320m on Marble Wall


All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.


Highlighted area shows today's climbing

At my insistence we chose a better route up the ridge today, carrying all our remaining gear up the ridge to the spot where we'd deposited some gear the day before. We then continued a little further along the ridge and up a short steep snow slope and setup camp in the early afternoon at 4320m. I had an altitude headache. The guides' attempts at cooking the pasta that I had brought along was not very successful and the result was very salty and not substantial. The tin of sardines after that wasn't great.

I am bringing up the rear, my two guides are ahead of me in this photo. They are making their way to Camp 1, near which a stash of gear had been deposited the day before.

Just before Camp 1 there was a short steep snowclimb.
We arrived late morning and setup our tent.
The afternoon at Camp 1 was free.
Dinner preparations are underway. We have plenty of food still, but the sardines didn't go down very well at all.

The weather was fine and it was a beautiful evening.




All content copyright © Ashley Burke 2011. Not to be copied, duplicated or used for any purpose without permission.

Page created 29 Nov 2011, last updated 5 Dec 2011.